Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Well, it's been a few days since I blogged,sorry about that. I got a bit overwhelmed  due to labor day being last week and also preparing for my art opening  last week which went well.  Then this week I had an unexpected interview for an art teaching position.  But I'm back and I thought I'd share an image of one the newer paintings called "Jack".  More to come!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Today  I had to deal with some outside issues, that kept me from painting.  But looking to make some gains this evening after listening to a great uplifting sermon /testimony by U.S. Senate Chaplain Dr. Barry Black and Gospel singer and Pastor Wintley Phipps.  You can find it on youtube at  I think artists need to draw on inspiration and a positive outlook when creating art , even if the art is in response to a negative action.  I think thats why so many artists listen to music, but as I have grown older I find it really makes a difference regarding the things we listen to especially for artists , who deal with struggles and anxieties  related to career, self perception, and relationships that most people can't quite grasp.   So for today I just thought I'd post a funny picture related more to yesterdays blog. Mahallo!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Still have three paintings  to complete that are still in that :"getting there  mode".  People think abstract art is easy, but it really takes a lot of thought and consideration, considering color choices , shape, and where to place marks and brush strokes.  With a realism piece you sort of have a better idea of when something will be finished, because your following a road map  which is either a photo or live reference or in some cases a visual memory, but with abstract there is no road map.  So I am now at the point where the fun work has really become work work. Yes I meant to write it twice because thats how it feels.  I'm feeling a bit hammered after am impromptu 3 a..m. to daybreak painting session, but at least i am further along now than yesterday.  Normally if I had  a few more weeks I would just stop at this point , let it rest and start some other projects, but time is ticking away and they have to be ready in a few days.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


This is a small 5" x 5" painting  that will be in the show next week.

Monday, August 26, 2013


This is the final week before my show in Greenville, SC. Still getting ready Just thought I'd post and image of one of the 12" x 12" paintings  that will be  in the show.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Hello world! Yes, I'm back after a long hiatus. It's a brand new day baby!!!!  Yes, this is my attempt to hit the reset button on this particular blog and start over A-gain.  I feel it was kind of going all over the place, similar to my art. Ha ha ha!  While I don't mind that feature in my art, it can be problematic with blogging.  So, I've  decided to take this blog back to formula!  I want this blog to be educational focusing more on just my art and nothing else accept art  and the  process of art making and perhaps a few of my struggles  to create, because that might help some of you who may be artists and for those who aren't artists it will give you  better incite into what we artists go through to be the creative individuals that we are.  This blog will feature lots of different kinds of art  and mediums, stuff I like, stuff I don't like ,because I'm a different kind of artist. So sometimes, my blogs will be very short and other times they might be long, but hopefully they will always be interesting, because no one wants to publish a boring blog. - Mahalo!

(Someone make it stop)

Monday, August 13, 2012


July was ridiculously hot, humid and an odd month. Oddly busy in some ways i managed to get a small art commission done, started learning how to paint digitally, but neglected my own crowdfund for art, career and music. I got side tracked  job hunting and  with another campaign to bring desperately needed community art to Greenville, SC. I'm not sure how my hard work will pay off in that endeavor , but I am remaining positive. Meanwhile I  jumping back on to my crowdfund and hope to really get it moving this fall.