Sunday, October 3, 2010


I just found out one of my art friends from Detroit, Mary Herbeck  passed away on October 1st. The news of her passing saddens me deeply.  Mary had been ill off and on for some years , but if you knew her you could hardly tell it. It was only ten years ago that Mary and I were grad students in Wayne State University's fine arts department, that's where I first met her.  I recall simply being in awe of her metallic sculptures- intense  labors of love and beauty. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to have shown with her several times. I recall inviting her to be in a  few exhibitions I curated and a few years later she returned the favor.

There was a show  I did called Art Official Intelligence  and  Mary wonderfully performed  acoustic guitar and  flamenco dancing. Like many artists she was a multi-talented individual.  She was also a deeply caring  and genuine person. I think one of my fondest memories of Mary was years ago when all her friends united at the Zeigiest Gallery as part of a huge salon show and celebration of her art and life. In true Mary fashion, she didn't even take time to sit back and let everyone else handle her party. She was an instrumental part  of handling her own tribute, helping to hang art work etc.  Her work ethic was intense and inspiring. On the day of the event, I recall that she was just so happy to see me and all her  friends  and we were equally  happy to see her and how strong she was.

Mary probably lived longer than  expected, but she still left us too soon.  An incredible lady, a strong woman, a phenomenal artist, and a kind heart, that is how I will remember Mary Herbeck.  I would like to encourage any readers to take a moment and visit her  wordpress page and remember her loved ones in your prayers.