Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I  feel some satisfaction is attempting to enter the art game again. That is to say I have been sending of proposals and emailing my resume to a few galleries. I feel confident I will eventually get a few tugs on my fishing line.  For the past day or two it feels like I have really neglected my impulse to return to art making. Then I remembered that looking for exhibitions and marketing one's art is a very important job and even a job in an of itself. I would be more than happy to turn the reigns of gallery searching and sending proposals to a happy assistant if one existed. Alas, all of us cannot be Andy Warhol,  or can we?

 Anyway, I think my big goal this month is to send a proposal to the Mattress Factory. That has been my dream for years, but I never got around to it in the past. Now I feel I am ready and the time is right to propose an installation. So Mattress Factory....I'm coming  for YOU!