Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hello folks, I'm back.  Sorry I missed a whole month. The month of September. I celebrated a birthday, so I'm another year older and wiser I hope.  I also endured some hellacious  pain the past month which I thought was neuralgia, but thank God it was only a tooth ache. Unfortunately I had to undergo 2 extractions, the second one today due to a filling that broke. It turned out to be the worst visit I ever had at the dentist, and it certainly doesn't help that I have very long roots to the hip, which my mother has always suggested is due to the native american heritage in our family tree. 

As the dentist clamped down and attempted to pry , pull, and twist my tooth out of it's seat. I am reminded of the famous dental scene in the film " Little Shop of Horrors" where Jack Nicholson portrayed a squirming giddy masochistic patient, overjoyed by the treatment  of his sadistic dentist. Well in real life there was no joy in Mudville, just a helluva lot of pain! I felt something was wrong cause the pressure was so extreme, but I didn't know what.  After perhaps a good hour or more of nearly passing out, the evil fractured remaining tooth finally was cast out to which I happily and joyfully exclaimed aloud, " Praise the Lord!" I discovered there had been an abscess. I ask my dentist and she confirmed the tooth had been sitting on an abscess, which made thing 100 times worst.

Later upon arriving hope after the painful ordeal I discovered a recent art postcard I mailed to a show in  postcard show in Italy had been accepted. It actually mark my first time showing work overseas, and hopefully many more chances to show overseas will follow. Sweetness! Now only 3 more hours till my next dose of pain meds.