Saturday, December 24, 2011


Well I got a letter today and I did not receive my local grant to do outdoor video projections from the local arts agency MAC ( Metropolitan Arts Council) of Greenville, SC.  M y idea was basically to project at least  one  video a month at a random location.   One of the comments that came up in the grants meeting was that if my project appealed to all ages than children would not be up late enough to see it.  I'm not sure what  neighborhood the granting committee members reside in, but in my neighborhood children are frequently outside in the spring  on school nights and in the summer  till sunset and sometimes well past.

There were other comments and questions in the meeting that came up and lead me to believe I was not getting the grant this round and it made me a little perturbed cause I came downtown to that silly meeting despite illness and car trouble to get nada!!!!  The day before I nearly blacked out due to dehydration and lack of potassium. I was having a reaction to meds I  was taking or lack there of. Thank God I'm feeling better now , but that week I wasn't and I wasn't in the mood for naysaying. I think my proposal was a rather simple one and easy  to fulfill. However,  what really caused me to nearly blow a gasket was  the idea that my project would not receive a large enough audience.  Perhaps that would be so, but my goal was  never to start with 100's of viewers  at  an installation.  If only a hand full of people saw the installation at a given location  that would have been fine by me. I totally wanted it to have a grass roots appeal and grow over time.  Nevertheless , I suppose the local committee has their agenda and I have mine.

I'm almost tempted to not apply again, cause I have bigger fish to fry, but if i do reapply  I will submit the same proposal again with a few minor changes.  Moving forward on a good note  I did get invited to be part of an "Uncle Remus" exhibition  in the Catskills of New York.   which is right up my alley. I'm a little nervous cause I need to have a painting ready in 2 weeks.  Pressure!!!!!!! Urg!!!!  I'm sure it will go well though and I look forward to 2012 to be a good year for me.