Sunday, November 7, 2010


I thought I'd share the lyrics to a new song I've been working on. Recently, I heard about the passing of a friend from high school and a few acquaintances and it put me in a funk. As people we get easily offended to the point we cut others off and  we chase after all these things that are suppose to fill our lives like money, career, success, and when your dead what can you do with it? You might not like me or believe in the same things that I believe in, but can't there be  some common ground where we meet? Perhaps we agree to disagree , but can't you wish the best for me? I think that's what this song I wrote is really about.  Eventually I'd like to record it, it has a sort of Elvis Costello meets Burt Bacharach thing happening.  Anyway, here are the lyrics for now.Hope you enjoy.


Don’t waste this moment

Don’t waste this moment
The feelings we share
You might not get another chance
To tell  them you care

I’m tired of losing friends
Before their time should end
If having  it all is what it’s all about
Then why do people wanna  pretend

Don’t waste this moment
You might not get it again
Hindsight in clear focus
When your looking  now to then

If  nobody’s waiting home
Then what’s the meaning of success?
There’s no purpose in  a  Taj Mahal
If it’s still an emptiness

Don’t waste this moment

No more pulling punches
Or  sewing hard feelings up inside
Everybody’s different
 Let go of our pride

Don’t waste this moment
The feelings we share
You might not get another chance
To tell  people you care

There are some things we have in common
Other things we don’t agree on
Why not lend a helping hand
Even if we don’t get a long

Don’t waste this moment