Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I LOVE OLD 16mm CAMERAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I  think I have discovered a new hobby and of course it's art related.  I found a Bell  & Howell 16mm camera  a year  ago at a resale shop in  good old Michigan.  It was manufactured in 1952. MMMM the smell of Nostalgia!  It's actually a B & H 200, a tiny little thing for those days and it runs with a 16 mm cartridge.  Unfortunately, I'll have to find a cartridge and from what I have read  they can be more expense to develop than regular 16mm film. Plus there is a loading and unloading process I'll have to learn.

Nevertheless, I love old 16mm and super 8 cameras!  Even though the world has gone digital  there is something about the old school that I can't shake. I guess I just love the look of real film and I am enamored with the process . I also acquired a Kodak  duo splicer. Now I almost feel like I am on my way to being a real filmmaker. I still have a lot to learn though and more film  goodies and parts  to buy in the future. I know I will need to invest in a better 16mm that takes folls instead of cartridges.  Anyway If you have an old 16mm or super 8 that you are willing to part with or an old sturdy tripod  and film equipment ,feel free to send it to me and I'll give it a good home.:) I guess I need to add a wish list to this blog don't I?
"I wub woo bell & howell"